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Underground Engineering

With our Engineering Department, we can take a project from idea to final construction including fieldwork, design and permitting. We can obtain all city permits, county permits, DOT permits and all specialized permits. We design a variety of projects including; fiber, new build, overbuild, wide area networks and campus networks. Our staff  produces construction drawings utilizing AutoCAD with state of the art equipment. Our engineering staff is experienced and takes great pride in designing all of our projects.


All maps will be designed by using field notes, record maps or utility prints (when available). On all of our projects, all final designs are always correctly labeled: all roads, state, county or city, rivers, creeks, and railroads. Each file is produced in proper GIS format.


All mapping, aerial or underground will be completed using standard symbols for poles and underground vaults. All footages will be measured using either a measuring wheel or laser. All roads and street names are always verified. For as-builts the following will be verified: footages, pole types, storage loops, splice points, maintenance items, cable size, and pole numbers.


All drafting will be performed using standard symbols for strand and as-built information. Maps will be created at a preferred scale. 

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